The Congress party in Karnataka recently announced the launch of Gruha Lakshmi Yojana, an initiative aimed at empowering women and promoting gender equality. Under the Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme, eligible women will receive a cash incentive of Rs. 2000 per month for a duration of one year. This program is expected to benefit around 2 lakh women across the state. The registration process will begin on 19th July 2023, allowing eligible women to take advantage of the scheme. State Congress president D.K. Shivakumar introduced the Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme on March 18, 2022, as part of an effort to empower women and advance gender equality. The program specifically targets women who are the heads of their households in the state, providing them with financial support. Detailed information on the Gruha Lakshmi Yojana, including highlights, objectives, features, benefits, eligibility criteria, required documents, and application procedures, can be found below.
What is Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme | Gruha Lakshmi Yojana 2023 :
The Gruha Lakshmi Yojana is an initiative addressing the financial uncertainties faced by women who serve as the primary breadwinners in their households. This program offers qualifying women a monthly monetary incentive of Rs. 2,000 for a year. It is estimated that around 2 lakh women across the state will benefit from this program. Registration for the fourth guarantee program, Gruha Lakshmi, initiated by the Congress government, will begin on July 19. Minister of Women’s and Children’s Welfare, Lakshmi Hebbalkar, has stated that registration is free and there is no application deadline.
To be eligible for the program, the woman listed as the head of the family on the ration card (BPL, APL, or Antyodaya cards) should not be an income tax or GST payer, along with her husband. A ration card number and an Aadhaar card number linked to a bank account must be provided by the beneficiary. If the recipient wishes to receive the money in a different bank account, she must present the passbook and relevant bank account information.
Starting from August 16, a cash payment of Rs. 2,000 will be directly transferred to the beneficiary’s Aadhaar-linked bank account through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system each month. If the beneficiary has provided a new bank account (not connected to her Aadhaar number), the funds will be transferred via RTGS.
Registered ration card holders who are female heads of households will receive an SMS notification containing the date, time, and location for registration. In rural areas, registration will occur at the nearest Bapuji Seva Kendra or Grama One center, while in urban areas, it will take place at the nearest Karnataka One or Bengaluru One center. If a recipient cannot visit the centers on the scheduled date and time, they can do so between 5 and 7 p.m. any other day at the same center. Alternatively, a government-designated Praja Pratinidhi (citizen volunteer) will visit each home to register beneficiaries.
For inquiries about the program, individuals can contact the helpline number at 1902, send an SMS, 8147500500. Upon registration at the authorized center, a sanction certificate will be issued. If registered by a Praja Pratinidhi, the sanction certificate will be delivered to the beneficiary’s door later. An SMS notification indicating the sanction will be sent to the applicant’s registered mobile number.
How To Apply For Gruha Lakshmi Yojana 2023 | Gruha Lakshmi Scheme Apply Online 2023 :
As on date we as a individual can not apply for online for Gruha Lakshmi Yojana or Scheme by our self. There are lot of website which are giving wrong information on ” How To Apply For Gruha Lakshmi Yojana 2023 “. But your are in the right place as following are correct details for How To Apply For Gruha Lakshmi Yojana | Schem 2023”
Gruha Lakshmi Yojana | Scheme 2023 will be launched on 19th July 2023 by Government Of Karnataka and ones launched people of Karnataka state mainly the house lady (Mane Yajamani) have to send SMS to 8147500500 with their BPL/APL card number. After sending the SMS with few minutes you will receive a detailed reply with Date, Time and Location of Service center i .e Bangalore One, Nadakacheri, Gramma One or Karnataka One which ever will be in your location you will receive that details. Ones you receive the details you have to take your APL/BPL card, Aadhar Card , Bank Passbook and mobile phone which you receive SMS from your bank and go the allocated service center on your appointment date , in the service center exective will update all your details in Gruha Lakshmi Yojana internal site and will give you confirmation receipt.
What Are The Objective Of Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana 2023 :
The Gruha Lakshmi Scheme aims to achieve the following objectives, focusing on empowering housewives and promoting their financial well-being:
- Empowering Housewives: The primary objective of the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme is to empower housewives by providing them with financial support. This initiative enables them to actively contribute to their family’s income and improve their overall financial situation.
- Alleviating Poverty: A key goal of the scheme is to alleviate poverty by extending aid to households facing financial challenges. By offering assistance to those struggling to make ends meet, the program aims to uplift families and enhance their quality of life.
- Fostering Gender Equality: The Gruha Lakshmi Scheme seeks to promote gender equality by recognizing and valuing the significant contributions made by housewives to their families. Through financial assistance, the initiative aims to bridge economic disparities and empower women in their household roles.
- Encouraging Self-Reliance: The scheme focuses on fostering the independence and self-reliance of women. By providing financial support, it enables them to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors, invest in income-generating ventures, or contribute to the household income, thus enhancing their financial autonomy. Recognizing Housework: The Gruha Lakshmi Scheme acknowledges the vital role of housewives and their unpaid labor in maintaining a home. It aims to support them by providing financial assistance, recognizing their dedicated efforts, and ensuring access to resources for their personal needs and aspirations.
What Are The Feature And Benefits Of Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023 :
Here are some of the key features and benefits of the Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana
Recognition and Financial Assistance: The Gruha Lakshmi Yojana acknowledges the invaluable contributions of housewives to their families and provides them with financial assistance. This recognition helps boost their confidence and self-awareness.
Enhanced Family Income: Participants of the program receive financial support, enabling them to contribute to their family’s income. This assistance plays a crucial role in improving their overall financial situation and stability.
Improved Quality of Life: The program’s financial support has a positive impact on the beneficiaries’ quality of life. It allows them to fulfill their basic needs and provides better healthcare and education opportunities for their children.
Who All Are Eligible For Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023 | Eligibility Criteria For Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana 2023:
To be eligible for the Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana, applicants must meet the following criteria, presented in
- Residential Eligibility: Applicants must be residents of Karnataka, ensuring that the scheme benefits the individuals belonging to the state.
- Housewife Status: The program specifically targets housewives, so the applicants must be married and actively engaged in household duties.
- Financial Need: The scheme aims to provide support to households facing financial challenges. Therefore, applicants should demonstrate a genuine need for financial assistance.
- Income Criteria: There may be specific income criteria that applicants must meet to qualify for the program. These income thresholds ensure that the assistance reaches those who truly require it.
By fulfilling the aforementioned eligibility criteria, applicants can avail themselves of the benefits provided by the Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana.
What Are The Documents Need For Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023 | Documents For Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana 2023 :
The Following are the documents need for Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023
- APL Or BLP Card where the housewives or house lady names should be mentioned as primary member of family
- Aadhar Card matching the name of housewives or house lady as mentioned in APL Or BPL card
- Bank Pass Book (Option if is seeded to Aadhar, If not you can take any other Bank Pass Book which
- again shall be name matching of housewives or house lady as mentioned in APL Or BPL)
- Mobile which is linked to your Bank account as well as bank account
FAQ Of Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023 :
- When Will Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023 will be available
As of now , Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023 will be launched on 19th July 2023
- When Can We Apply For Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023
After launch of 19th July 2023
- Who All Are Eligible For Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023
You should be Residential Of Karnataka and You should (Only For Ladies) be the primary member of the family
- How Much Amount Will Be Credited From Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023
As on date all eligible applicant will get 2,000 /- Rs
- When Is the Last Date To Apply Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2023
As on date there is no Last Date , as per the government announcement it will be continue process
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