In February 2023, the Madhya Pradesh government launched a new scheme called Ladli Behna Yojana, aimed at empowering girls and women in the state, particularly those from low-income backgrounds. This government initiative, with a budget of up to 60 thousand crore rupees over the next 5 years, aims to foster financial independence for women through the Ladli Behna Yojana. Under this program, the Chief Minister plans to support and empower poor girls and women in Madhya Pradesh, enabling them to lead more fulfilling lives.
On the auspicious occasion of Narmada Jayanti, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh announced the launch of the MP Ladli Bahna Yojana in Sehore district’s Pride Day and Narmada Puram Pride Day programme. This new scheme will be implemented as a part of the Ladli Laxmi Yojana in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The MP Ladli Bahna Yojana aims to empower women and girls in the state and provide them with financial support and assistance, in line with the Ladli Laxmi Yojana
What Is Ladli Behna Yojana 2023
To facilitate the enrollment process for the Ladli Behna Yojana, introduced by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the Ladli Behna Yojana Form filling process commences today, March 25, 2023. Across all cities and gram panchayats in the state, camps have been set up for the convenience of applicants. Interested women can apply by visiting their nearest camp, where they are required to undergo eKYC for application submission. These camps will be operational from 9:00 am, allowing women to update their e-KYC and complete their application forms.Under the Ladli Behna Yojana 2023, women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in the state will receive Rs 1000 every month, amounting to Rs 12,000 annually and Rs 60,000 over 5 years. This financial assistance aims to empower women to meet their families’ basic needs, benefitting approximately one crore women as envisioned by the state government. December 3 Update: Following the victory of BJP in the MP Election 2023, the next installment of the Ladli Behna Yojana is set to be released shortly.
After securing victory in the Madhya Pradesh elections, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan is fulfilling his commitment by promptly transferring the next installment of the Ladli Behna Yojana to the accounts of deserving women beneficiaries.September 23 Update: A significant expansion has been made to the Ladli Brahmin Yojana, allowing unmarried sisters aged 21 and above to now avail its benefits. During a rally in Jabalpur, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced that unmarried women above 21 years will receive assistance of Rs 1250 per month under the Ladli Brahmin Yojana. This initiative aims to provide social security and financial aid to unmarried sisters. Furthermore, the Chief Minister has reassured that the financial assistance for women under the Ladli Brahmin Scheme will soon be increased from Rs 1250 to Rs 3,000 per month. This announcement extends the benefits of the scheme to approximately 1.32 crore women in Madhya Pradesh, offering them the opportunity to apply for assistance under the Ladli Brahmin Yojana.
Details Of Ladli Behna Yojana 2023
Scheme Name | MP Ladli Bahna Yojana |
Started By | By Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan |
Beneficiary | women of the state |
Department | Women and Child Development Department |
Objective | Providing Financial Assistance To Women |
Amount Given | 1000 Rupees Per Month |
State | Madhya Pradesh |
Official Website | Will Launched |
What Are The Objectives of Chief Minister Ladli Bahna Yojana :
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s Ladli Bahna Yojana in Madhya Pradesh aims to provide financial assistance to empower women and help them become self-reliant. This initiative offers a monthly sum of Rs. 1000 to sisters of the state, totaling to Rs. 12,000 per year. The main goal of this scheme is to support women in meeting their essential expenses, ensuring they have the resources needed to improve their quality of life. By providing financial aid, the program seeks to foster financial independence, enabling women to contribute to their families and society positively.”
What Is The Benifits Of Chief Minister Ladli Bahna Yojana :
- MP Ladli Bahna Yojana Launched on January 28, 2023, by the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan
- Designed to provide financial assistance every month to low and middle-class women
- Eligible women registered under the scheme will receive ₹1000 per month.
- A target has been set to benefit more than 1 crore women in Madhya Pradesh.
- The state government has allocated over ₹60 crore for the scheme’s implementation over 5 years.
- To sustain the scheme, the MP state government should set a budget of ₹12000 crores annually.”
Who Is Eligible Criteria for Ladli Bahna Yojana 2023 :
- The MP Ladli Bahna Yojana is exclusively for permanent resident women of Madhya Pradesh state.
- This scheme is open to all women, including those who are married, widowed, divorced, or abandoned.
- The age limit for MP Ladli Bhna must be aged between 23 and 60 years, as per the issued applicant calendar.
- Girls who are currently studying in any school or college are not eligible for the benefits of this scheme.
- Additionally, women who are working in a government job under the applicant’s family are not eligible to apply.
- The MP Ladli Bahna Yojana is applicable to women from all categories, including scheduled castes, tribes, and backward classes.
What Are The Key Points For The MP Ladli Behna Yojana 2023
- Ensure consistency: The beneficiary’s information on both the Samagra and Aadhar card must match when applying for Ladli Brahmin Yojana.
- No additional certificates needed: Income and domicile certificates are not required for this scheme, simplifying the application process.
- Mandatory Samagra ID linking: Female applicants must link their Samagra ID to Aadhaar through eKYC, a mandatory step for participation in the scheme.
- Versatile eKYC methods: To link the composite ID with Aadhaar, applicants can utilize eKYC through four convenient methods.
- Free eKYC services: Access eKYC services at no cost through Lok Seva Kendra, Common Service Centre, MP Online Kiosk, and the Sampark Portal, ensuring a cost-effective and user-friendly application process for Ladli Brahmin Yojana.
Documents Needed For Applying Ladli Bahna Yojana:
Generally for applying all government schemes there will set of mandatory documents and same applies to Ladli Bahna Yojana also. The list of documents needed for applying Ladli Bahna Yojana are
- Aadhar Card (Address Should be of state Madhya Pradesh )
- Passport Size Photo
- Bank Account number in the name of applicant
- Age Proof (Birth Certificate or SSLC Marks Sheet)
- Voter Card / PAN Card / Ration Card
How to apply for Ladli Behna Yojana?
Ladli Behna Yojana scheme has just launched and will start launch from 5th March and the application start date is 15th March. There will be a selection process based on eligibility will get rs 1,000 in the bank account every month starting from June 2023.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has recently announced that the Madhya Pradesh government will be organizing camps for the application process of the Ladli Behna Yojna scheme. Eligible beneficiaries can now conveniently fill out their application forms at their respective panchayat camps. Take advantage of this opportunity and apply today! As on date no official website is launched for Ladli Behna Yojana keep checking our website for latest updates.
FAQ Of Ladli Behna Yojana
When Ladli Behna Yojana will be launched
Ladli Behna Yojana will be launched from 5th March 2023
Who are all eligible for Ladli Behna Yojana
Any Woman shall be a permanent residence of Madhya Pradesh and age group between 23 to 60
How much is the amount given under Ladli Behna Yojana
Per month Rs 1,000 shall be credit to all eligible applicant
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